All Elemental Dragon Heroes on the field gains 1. When summoned, add 1 Elemental Dragon Fusion from the deck to the hand. When summoned this card can destroy two monsters with an original attack of 1. OIoXDXN64DI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/LLP3IMzFZc0/photo.jpg' alt='Yugioh Pro Dawn Of A New Era Decks Of Cards' title='Yugioh Pro Dawn Of A New Era Decks Of Cards' />Elemental Dragon Hero Lightningstorm. Once per turn if this card gets attacked, it switches to defense mode and cant be destroyed by that attack. When summoned, normal or special, check the top four cads of the deck, then you can summon 1 level 6 or below monster to the field if more than one choice then the player chooses, the rest of the cards get shuffled back in to the deck. Once per turn you can choose one type Spell, trap, monster and add a random card of that type from your grave to your hand, however if the card is a spell or trap it cant be activated until the players next main phase, and if its a monster it cant be summoned until the next main phase. If this card doesnt battle during the battle phase then deal 3. As long as this card is on the field the opponent cant activate traps during the battle phase and an Elemental Dragon Hero cant get targeted by an effect that destroy monsters unless it targets more than one monster at onceElemental Dragon Hero Terradrake. If this card is discarded from the hand or deck by either players card effects, it is immediately resurrected with 4. As long as this card is on the field its the only Elemental Dragon hero that can be attacked. By discarding a spell card from the hand one opposing monster lose 8.

Danny Phantom, Yu Gi Oh, Kid vs Kat, Spectacular Spider Man, Battle Spirits, American Dragon Jake Long, Yu Gi Oh GX, and Yu Gi Oh Arc V.