If you are still deciding on a major, consider taking one or more introductory courses in a major that interests you.

Move forward with your core classes and major.Research the application requirements and timeline if you are thinking about any type of graduate school.These build the soft skills employers look for in well-rounded individuals, including leadership. Participate in a variety of extracurricular programs on campus including sports, clubs, organizations, community service, and more.Consider career-related experiences through an internship, research, or volunteer experience.Evaluate strengths on your resume and areas to develop.Attend workshops and career fairs hosted by Career Services.

Prepare a resume using the Optimal Resume tool or templates on the Career Services website.Then, you can begin searching through job and internship postings to see what employers are looking for at: Log into Handshake and create a profile.Conduct an informational interview with a professional to learn about the realities of a career you may be interested in.Start to define a strategy for reaching career goals.Talk with someone in Career Services about possible interest areas.Take a career assessment (Example: Focus 2) with your advisor or Career Services to understand how your skills, interests, and values relate to careers.Take initial courses for your major or a program that you wish to explore and decide if your major is a good fit.Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your career goals and seek advice on potential majors.Talk with faculty, mentors, family, and friends about majors and occupations.